PlantAid Tools
Below are some of the tools used in the PlantAid Platform.
PoPS (Pest or Pathogen Spread) Model is a free and open-source framework developed by Chris Jones and Ross Meentemeyer that allows for calibrating, validating, and forecasting the spread of any pest or pathogen. This tool is designed to make predictions of pathogen outbreak more comparable and predictable across systems.
T-BAS: A Phylogenetic-data repository and tool for phylogeny-based placement of DNA, mRNA or protein sequences, viewing alignments and specimen metadata on curated and custom trees.
Phytophthora Phylogeny T-BAS Identifier: We developed a multilocus genus level phylogeny that includes more than 190 Phytophthora species (Coomber et al, 2022). Users can place their isolates and get identification of the closest species and clades.